Many adults in the US struggle with obesity. It's not an issue of self-control. Roughly 95% of people who attempt to lose weight through dieting eventually wind up back at their original weight.

Obesity can lead to a range of health problems that include heart disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes and more. Weight loss surgeries have been shown to be effective at helping people lose weight and reducing the risk of these conditions.


Who is a good candidate for bariatric surgery?

People who are good candidates for bariatric surgery if they meet some or all of the criteria below:

  • You have a BMI of 40 or more.
  • You are 100 pounds or more overweight.
  • You have a BMI that is over 35 that is paired with obesity-related diseases such as sleep apnea, hypertension, type II diabetes, osteoporosis, respiratory disorders or heart disease.
  • You've experienced an inability to achieve weight loss that is sustainable through diet and exercise.

Your doctor will also work with you before surgery to see if you are both willing and able to comply with the lifestyle changes that are needed after surgery. These typically include a modified diet and an exercise program.

What are the benefits of bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery allows for dramatic and effective weight loss where other methods have failed. Often, the weight loss alone is enough to send conditions like type 2 diabetes into remission. The dramatic weight loss of bariatric surgery also sets the stage for better mental and emotional health and acts as a platform for:

  • better self-esteem.
  • the ability to engage in physical activities for better health.
  • a jump start to healthier, sustainable eating habits.

Types of bariatric surgery

Gastrectomy – This surgery, with is a laparoscopic surgery, involves removing part of the stomach. A small pouch that limits food intake is the result.

Gastric Bypass – During this surgery, a part of the stomach is blocked off and the remaining pouch is connected to the small intestine. Food bypasses part of the intestine and fewer calories are absorbed.

Gastric Banding – This laparoscopic surgery involves placing an adjustable band around the upper part of the stomach. This band can be adjusted as needed or even removed at a later date. The band artificially reduces the stomach's size, which leads to lower food intake.

Duodenal Switch – This surgery combines gastric bypass and gastrectomy.

Revision Surgery – If there were problems with a previous surgery or you experienced weight gain after surgery, a revision can be performed.

Why choose The Surgery Group for bariatric surgery?

At The Surgery Group, we maintain our skills and expertise by staying current with the latest surgical techniques available today and always look to enhance your experience as a patient. As highly skilled surgeons, we train on the latest in robotic-assisted surgical procedures.

Surgery should be performed at a facility with a multidisciplinary team of experts who can provide follow-up care. We bring together the people you need to help you get to a weight that is conducive to better health.

Have questions or looking for more information about Bariatric Surgery?